Wednesday 6 November 2013

DVD Sleeves Purpose, Audience, Content, Reception

DVD Sleeves

Purpose :  The purpose of a DVD sleeve is to promote the film and it is used as a marketing tool to sell the film in shops such as Supermarkets, DVD stores. Another purpose of DVD sleeves is to show the film film for people who have not seen the film. l

Audience : The audience of a DVD sleeve is mainly about the age of the film and the target audience of the certain film. On the DVD sleeve it will have an age rating on it also there will be a BBFC rating on there this will be on every DVD sleeve. Also there will be a certain Gender that the film will be aimed at such as Male or Female. Also there will be the certain genre of the film such as Horror, Action, Comedy.

Content : The content in a DVD sleeve is different because there will be a blurb which is a couple of paragraphs on the back of the DVD explaining what the film is all about. On the DVD sleeve it explains what directors have made the film or who is in the film which actor is in the film such as Will Ferrel you wouldn't expect it to be nothing more than a comedy. Another thing that will be on the DVD  Sleeve is who has made the film such as DreamWorks, Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures.

Reception : With DVD Sleeves there is a Reception such as where will the film be sold will it be sold in Supermarkets such as Asda, Tesco Morrison's or will it be sold in rental stores such as Blockbuster or Cex. Films can also be sold online on Amazon or and Netflix. Films can also be sold at the cinema where you pay to go and watch the fi;m before the film goes out on DVD.

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