Thursday 14 November 2013

DVD Sleeve ideas

DVD sleeves have a purpose a audience a content and a reception. The intended audience of the avatar film is aimed at a certain age of 12. This DVD sleeve is to promote the film avatar to people to enable people top go out and buy the DVD Avatar this was also used to promote the film at the cinema when this film came out in the cinema 3 years ago. Another purpose of this DVD sleeve is to show the film to people and make them buy the film so this can also be used as a marketing tool.   
The audience of this DVD sleeve is mainly about the age of the film and is it appropriate for that age group. On every DVD sleeve there is a BBFC rating such as is it at the age rating of 12 or 15 so this means the film is only appropriate for this age of people. There will also be a genre for the film such as Horror, Action or ScFi. 
The content of the DVD sleeve is different because there will be a blurb on the back of the DVD sleeve  which gives you a overview on the film and what the film is about and the blurb will give some clues on what is going to happen in the film. Also on the Content of the DVD sleeve there will be the names of the actors in the film normally the actors name will be at the top in bold writing and the directors names will be in the credits will be at the end. 
With a DVD sleeve there will be a Reception such as where the film is going to be sold such as which supermarket it is going to be sold at such as Tesco, Asda, Morrisions or it can be sold at Rental stores such as Blockbuster or CEX. Also the film will be sold at the cinema where you go and pay to watch the movie before it gets released on DVD 3 months later. The different features on a poster is that there is more images on the page to advertise the film. There are normally ratings from papers saying if the film is good and is it worth watching the film or not. 
On a DVD sleeve there is a blurb on the back which gives you an overview on the film where as on a poster there isn't on a poster there is just an image and a title and just the actors names who are in the film. Another difference between the a poster and a DVD sleeve is that you can put more onto it such as images you can have them on the front on the back and you can put more onto the picture also you can have a double background you can have one on the front of the cover and you can have one on the back thats different where as on a poster it has one background.  

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