Thursday 24 October 2013

Final Poster

This is my final poster that I have made on Photoshop. What i did to start off with is finding the background that I used which is what i got off the internet and the logos that I used in the two corners I got of the internet these are the PEGI Rating and the film logo. The writing style that is used in the poster was downloaded off a website called da font so I could then make the poster look much better with the same writing as the actual Assassins Creed games. How I made this Poster is by firstly taking the photos using one of the cameras in college. Before doing this I had to look at other Assassins Creed Game Poster so i could make myself look like an Assassin with my hood up and over my head and have my head down. Next what I did was I put all the photos that I have taken using the camera and chose the one that looked the best and most like an Assassin. I put my picture onto Photoshop and used the Magic wand tool to get the background away from the picture so i could then drop it into the Background and there will be no white from the Green Screen behind me anymore. Then what i did was go onto Da Font and Download the font so i could make my writing to look exactly like the Assassins Creed game. Next when I had the writing in there and me in the background I then made the image darker using the lighting tool and make it all look darker so you can see me from the top and as it goes down it starts to get darker on me. Then what i did was i put the PEGI Rating into my Poster and the film maker which is Warner Bros and I made the Poster a 15 rating because there is a lot of action in the film. 

This is the Photo final photo that I used for my poster and I used photoshop and used the rubber tool on there to take away the green screen on the back so it will be white behind me and then dragged it into my background and positioned it to where I wanted it to be. Also I had to change the characters colour of my jumper to a grey colour by using the colour tool. 

I choose this background for my Assassins creed poster because I wanted to dim my character into darkness and this was the best background to use because I could dim my character into the background. 

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