Thursday 8 May 2014

Talk through on how I made my Magazine cover

This blog post is going to be a talk through on how I created my magazine cover. First what I did whilst I was designing my magazine cover I went on to the internet to have a look at some other Film Magazines to use as a template to design my magazine cover and I chose one called FILM and I used this as a template to design my Magazine cover. I took some inspiration from the Film magazine and I used there idea of having the title of the film at the bottom and in the same writing as the Assassins Creed Franchise and I also took from that magazine cover was there are 3 amazing issues to collect with the picture of the issues on the magazine as a selling point by showing the next 3 issues and what films will be reviewed in the magazine. I designed the rest of the magazine myself firstly with it being Assassins Creed I made the main character going into the darkness. I also put the Exclusive interview ad the New Series of Big Bang Theory Announced so you can sell the magazine to other audiences and they might want to find out about the new Big Bang Theory such as the cast of the new series and whats going to happen in a few of the episodes. I also added the Reviews on films that are coming out in cinemas myself because that might attract people to buy it so they can see the latest films due out in cinemas in the near future. I made the FILM title big and bold so it would catch the eye of people when the magazine is on the shelves in supermarkets. I also put the website on there so people can go and visit the website so they can buy the magazine online and send it to there iPad or iPhone. I really enjoyed making this magazine cover and if I was to do it again I would pick a film instead of a game and use different colours on the magazine cover. 

Thursday 30 January 2014

Talk through on how I made my DVD Sleeve

In this blog I will be talking about how I created my DVD Sleeve. Before I started making my DVD Sleeve I took inspiration from my poster so some of the things from my poster I transferred into my DVD Sleeve by keeping my background the same. What I did with my Font on the top is I also kept that the same as well but made the fonts smaller on the top to make it look more like a DVD Sleeve With the Text on the side what I did was I wrote the text and made the text smaller than what it looks like on the top of the DVD Sleeve and rotated the text and positioned the text to where I wanted the text on my page. With the picture of me when I was creating this I looked at the official Assassins creed outfit and I decided that I was going to add the Assassins creed logo onto my outfit and I ddid this by getting the image off google images and took all the white background of the background of the image and then added it to the image but I had to put it behind the image so it was not showing at first then I viewed the image properly and I moved to a position to where I wanted the image on my outfit and made the logo a bit smaller in the process of putting the logo on my outfit. When I was making all the PEGI logos what I did was took all the backgrounds out of the image and then put them to wear I wanted the logos to go and I made them a bit smaller than what they look like on my poster. With the Blurb on the back of the DVD Sleeve I used the same one I used on my poster because my poster and my DVD Sleeve were linked together and I taken a lot of inspiration from my poster I also used the same slogan from my poster on my DVD Sleeve as well but made the slogan a  bit smaller because I had to fit more information on there as well. 

Talk Through on how I made my poster

This blog is going to be on how I created my poster. What I did when I was creating my poster is firstly what I did was research about my background that I could use and I found this on google Images. I used this background because I wanted to create a dark and spooky poster and I wanted to dim my character into the background. Then what I did was I took out a camera the camera I used the take my photo was a Cannon camera I also used the green screen and I chose to wear the Jumper and put my hood up so I could not show all my face and in the Assassins creed series the character never shows his face and I have taken that approach in making my poster. After this I put my picture into Photoshop and using the magic wand I used this to take away all the green screen and I then dragged my picture into the background and I changed the colour of my picture to go with the colour of my background. With the texts what I did with my text is I downloaded it of the Da Font website and the text then downloaded into photoshop. I used the text by using the text box and made my text look like the Assassins Creed series and thats where my inspiration came from with that. With my writing at the top I used the text that was already on photoshop instead of downloading it from Da Font with it being a slogan at the top I did this by just using the text box and once I had done this I made the text bold and this would make the slogan more eye catching to my audience. With the Warner Bros logo and my PEGI rating I got them of goggle images and went through the same process with my photo of me I got rid of the white background by using the magic wand and dragged them into the poster and made the smaller. This is how I made my poster and this is the process I went through making my poster and thought it was a big success.