Wednesday 11 December 2013

Final Magazine Cover

This is my finished magazine cover that I have created to advertise my idea of a the film Assassins Creed and The Last Decsendedent. What I did before making this magazine cover was analysed some magazine covers that are similar to my idea and found a template online and created mine like that. The took out the background that I have used for my DVD sleeve and my poster that I have made and used a tool on Photoshop to make the main character on the front look like he is disappearing into the darkness into the background. 
I put a drop shadow into my title to make it stand out more when the magazine is in supermarkets so the magazine cover will be eye catching to people and they may pick up the magazine and choose to buy it and a magazine is a marketing tool to and will sell with a new film on the front this is why i have also made my main character to big so he takes up most of the page and all the focus will be on him this will help sell the magazine as well. 
I also added a drop shadow to the website on the front of the cover to also make that stand out more so people will be able to go and subscribe to the magazine for more issues. 
What I did when I added the Assassins creed symbol into the jumper is I clicked onto the layer and scrolled down to Multiply so it would look like it it attached to his jumper.
With the text I had an idea to make some of it in bold writing to make it stand out on the page and underlined the best action film to show that from the film magazine it is saying that the new Assassins Creed film is going to be the best action film of the year and this could attract people into buying the magazine and read about the best action film to come out for a while and persuade people to go and see the film. 
What I did with the 3 issues to collect was to show the next issues there going to be released and also give people an idea of what they are going to be and what films will be reviewed and interviews that will be in the new magazine. 


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